The reason behind your cravings, and how to eliminate them for good.

Do you have insatiable cravings that are out of control?
I remember when my cravings were barmy. I would crave carbs, chocolate and anything sweet. If you put a bowl of sugar in front of me, I would have polished that off too. Chocolate binges would make me feel so guilty and ashamed.

Why do we crave food in the first place, what are the deeper causes of food cravings?

Food cravings are a sign that the body and the emotions are looking for peace or homeostasis. By deciphering the real meaning of your cravings, you can get an insight into what you're REALLY hungry for.

Read on to find some really great tips and insights I have gleaned over the years as a mind-body & eating coach. And more importantly how to get rid of those cravings.

Cravings are a window to your inner landscape

Biological causes of food cravings

We are biologically wired to seek pleasure and reward.  We find pleasure in intimacy and sex, as well as food.  And we need to find joy in these things because they keep humanity and our species alive. So there is a purpose for our pleasure in food and intimacy!

 Physiological causes of food cravings

Food cravings are triggered by insufficient calories, skipping meals, blood sugar fluctuation, inadequate nutrients in your diet, nutrient deficiency, avoiding pleasure food, food rules, and fluctuations in our hormones around our period.

Read this article for more information if you crave foods around the time of the month when you are menstruating. When we don't consume adequate calories or don't eat balanced means, by the evening, our body will want to catch up on calories or crave carbs for more energy as we did not eat enough throughout the day.

Clean up your diet if you fall into this category. My food cravings disappeared forever once I started eating cleaner.

The only time I crave chocolate is on my period, and even then, I'm happy with one bar. I tend to choose raw chocolate, rhythm 108 bars or Deliciously Ella snacks which taste amazing but totally clean ( clean, meaning the foods are free from chemicals and processed harmful ingredients.)

Childhood subconscious programming

Psychological programming occurs in babies.  For example, being fed to sleep by our mother, we quickly associate love, connection, and soothing with food.

Then, when we grew older, we were rewarded with a treat if we were good and cleaned our room. Or going to the doctor or dentist and being rewarded with a lolly.

So now, as an adult, we continue to model this learned behaviour.  For example, you want to treat yourself to a takeaway dinner or a bottle of wine after a long week.  

These subconscious memories become our programming.  We eat because we crave a certain feeling. And food becomes the vehicle towards that feeling. Writing a food journal can help massively. It can pinpoint what your psychological drivers are. Click here to download a free copy and a chance for a free email consultation with me.

sugar cravings meaning by Kam Sokhi mind body & eating coach

Why we crave junk food

Junk food cravings - We are not eating real food anymore. We now face an overabundance of chemically-laden products masquerading as foods and a system that makes it difficult to acquire quality plant food, which is what we require most. We eat 'food like products' that our biology does not recognize, which causes the crazy crave/binge cycle.

If you are craving fried, fatty foods, it could be a sign that you need more EFA's essential fatty acids. Which are found in abundance in fatty fish, eggs, walnuts, and avocados.  Read this article if junk food is your kryptonite.

Sweet cravings - are probably the most frequent cravings clients talk to me about. These people often work too long and hard, moving from one to-do list item to another and feeling exhausted and frazzled.

The real reason for this craving is they aren't experiencing enough joy — it's evaporated into their daily grind. Or maybe you are missing the sweetness in your life or trying to make yourself "sweeter" this was one of the main reasons I reached for sweet foods.

I hated my life at the time. I was in a crappy job, not earning enough money, and struggling in so many areas, so I reached for sweets foods to make me feel better. Your brain is seeking serotonin, the feel-good hormone.

It may also be a  sign that you struggle with unhealthy blood sugar swings. Which likely means your body actually needs more high-protein and high-fibre foods as well as magnesium to help stabilize blood sugar levels and provide the cellular energy your body is really craving.

Your body will crave more of what you feed it, so if you eat sugar or simple carbs, chances are your creating a feedback loop keeping you stuck in the cycle of addictive behaviour.

what causes carb cravings  by Kam Sokhi mind body & eating coach

What are the gifts behind your compulsions?

Spicy food cravings - Those who like spicy food are most likely looking for intensity and action. Or maybe a need for intellectual stimulation or an emotional desire to spice up one's life.

Needing a rush of energy. They love to be on the go — going to movies, travelling to distant countries, and exploring new restaurants. When they haven't made the time to do these things, spicy food becomes the option to "get them going". Eating spicy can cause your body –the pituitary gland and hypothalamus- to release endorphins.

Endorphins can be known as a trigger-happy chemical, giving you instant pleasure from head to toe.

Caffeine cravings - We want to be in the midst of it all, absorbing all the information we can and remembering it so that we can be at the "forefront". At the core of all this mental juggling is mental exhaustion.

Caffeine gives the false impression of keeping it all together and being mentally sharp, but really, it exhausts us further — especially in excessive amounts. Try maca for a natural energy boost in your smoothies instead of coffee.

Crunchy & salty food cravings - think crisps/crackers/pretzels/nuts

Associated with frustration, stress or the need to express anger. Chewing has been shown to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety.

Do you feel yourself wanting to snap at people but feel restrained? We might also want a "pat" on the back for a job well done. Crunchy foods give us an artificial centre stage. It might be that you want some attention.

We move the water in our bodies when we eat lots of salt. Salt is like a magnet for movement and flow, essential for helping people "go with the flow" of life and relax.

Also, our bodies’ way of saying we are dehydrated. This is why when we drink alcohol, we reach for salty snacks. Our bodies are so clever it is constantly working with us.

Drink at least 2 litres of water daily to combat your need for a salty fix. If you need something crunchy, try munching on crudites.

what causes chocolate cravings by Kam Sokhi mind body & eating coach

What is your body trying to tell you?

Chocolate cravings - Chocolate enables us to be blanketed with a feel-good, in-love feeling like no other. It contains compounds that change our brain activity, so it's no surprise that we have these feelings. A chocolate craving could mean your body is deficient in magnesium, chromium, copper, B vitamins, or essential fatty acids.

It's okay to indulge in a single serving. Just make sure you're consuming the darkest chocolate with the highest percentage of cacao you can find (at least 70%) with the least amount of sugar.  For women, craving chocolates during periods is very common. During your periods, you lose a lot of blood and fluids. Along with it, you are also losing essential minerals.

Women face a deficiency of chromium, magnesium and copper during periods, which is one reason they crave chocolate. Chocolate is rich in copper and chromium, so the craving arises when there is a dip in these essential minerals.

Soft, filling starches & carb cravings - Squishy, soft, and comforting. Starchy foods like bread, pasta, and even rice sound great when we need hand-holding or hugs. We're seeking comfort and sustenance in hard times. If you can't stop thinking about bread, pasta, and other high-carb foods, you may be fatigued (and looking for a source of fuel) or feeling stressed (with a disruption of serotonin and dopamine).

Instead of piling your plate high with pasta, the best thing you can do is go for a walk, meditate, soak in a bubble bath, or find another pleasurable way to relax and renew. Read this article for more info on carb addiction.

why do i have cravings at night by Kam Sokhi mind body & eating coach

Eating food should not be a struggle.

Ice cream cravings - Our connection with ice cream often takes us back to childhood and memories of the summer. It imparts a feeling of freedom and being carefree. So when we're feeling hurt, we start lapping up the ice cream. I can relate to that. Ben and Jerry's becomes my best friend when I suddenly have a relationship breakup! Who else can relate?

Try nice cream instead if you're focusing on healthier eating. Calling a friend or a family member for a chat. Your body could also need essential fatty acids (EFA's), which are found in abundance in fatty fish, eggs, walnuts, and avocados.

Cheese/dairy cravings - For those with any "mother" issues in your life, whether over-mothering or needing mothering, cheese has probably been calling out to you. When we need to be nourished physically and emotionally, it makes sense that we crave cheese. Cheese is made from milk, the essence of maternal nourishment. Cheese provides a grounding, earthy protein to keep us anchored into the human body.

If you're starting to wonder if you might be part mouse with your cheese obsession, you may need more calcium or vitamin D in your diet.

For starters, head outside into the sunshine to help your body produce its own vitamin D. Now, if your craving high-fat foods (like French fries), your body might be begging for some additional essential fatty acids, which are found in abundance in fatty fish, eggs, walnuts, and avocados.

I see many women who eat low-fat diets crave fried foods. Our body is a marvellous creation, constantly sending us messages about what it needs.

Soda Cravings - If soda is your weak spot, you may be looking for a hit of energy from a shot of liquid sugar plus caffeine. Daily consumption, however, can lead to calcium and magnesium deficiencies, which can lead to a vicious cycle of consuming and then craving more soda. The sugar in sodas can also become really addictive too and calorie-dense. If you're looking for energy hits, look at one of my Pinterest boards on how to boost your energy naturally.

what causes food cravings  kam sokhi mind body & eating coach

How to eliminate cravings

Ultimately, everyone is different, and looking at an individual's circumstances is essential.  However, as a guide, these strategies will help cravings:

Let go of the stress - Whatever your cravings, if you are experiencing increased stress, you are more likely to reach for foods to help you deal with your stress, anxiety, or negative emotions.

Prioritize protein - Want to decrease your cravings by up to 60%? One study from the journal Obesity found that when overweight men got 25% of their caloric intake per day from protein, they could decrease their cravings for snacks at night by 50%.

Get your zzz's - Skipping out on sleep can throw your hunger hormones out of whack, and sometimes, simply prioritising sleep is enough to get those cravings (and hormones) under control, helping you more easily stick to your healthy eating plan.

Get distracted - Habits, environment, and boredom drive many cravings. If you find certain times of day, activities, or stressors that bring on cravings, find something else to focus on—a walk-in nature, a conversation with a friend, or even a different drive home could help. One study even showed that playing Tetris on a smartphone for as little as three minutes can weaken cravings.

Don't cut calories too low, and clean up your diet. Cutting calories severely can do a number of hunger hormones and other chemicals involved in appetite regulation, leaving your body craving high-calorie foods, which reinforce overeating.

If you are cutting calories, ensure you eat nutrient-rich foods to provide your body with the vitamins, minerals, and other macronutrients to support your health and energy levels. Eating a cleaner diet resets your body to a natural equilibrium. We eat 'food-like’ products that our biology does not recognize, which causes the crazy craving/binge cycle.

 If you are cravings food on an emotional level

Uncover what you are genuinely seeking. What is your deeper need? comfort, soothing? (Detach food from your feelings). Look into your old stories.  What is your brain telling you about food? Are you eating food because you feel unlovable or unworthy? Uncouple this, and you will find relief. Finally, identify your triggers and what causes the urges/binge eating.

While there are numerous reasons for food cravings, if you do experience intense cravings, regularly find a great coach like myself. I help clients with emotional eating and cravings by getting to your craving's root cause and eliminating them. I use EFT ( emotional freedom technique) read here to find out how it really can help eliminate food cravings.

To learn more about how I can help you, book a free discovery call with me, click here to book. Or drop me an email at

I hope that this has been an informative read and that it has helped you uncover your cravings. Please drop me a comment or email me with any questions that you may have.

Links and further resources

The gift of my compulsions by Mary O’Malley

Eating in light of the moon by Anita Johnston




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Kam Sokhi

This article is written by Kam Sokhi, an accredited chef with more than 25 years of experience.

She is also a food stylist and photographer. Kam is an expert at creating healthy recipes for those with allergies or dietary needs without skimping on taste.

With vast culinary expertise and experience working at high-profile companies and restaurants, her mission is to inspire and educate.

Helping you fall back in love and rediscover the pleasure of eating again, one bite at a time.

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