These crackers are perfect to make for a party or a healthy snack with a few dips. If you like the taste of chickpeas you will love these. They are deliciously crunchy and moreish. They only take 30 minutes to prepare and bake and so easy ( I promise).

gluten free recipe which is vegan by kam sokhi allergy chef

Chickpea flour

You can buy chickpea flour or gram/besan flour in most health food shops, and all Indian shops its like a staple in our culture. I’m sure every single Indian I know have this in their cupboards as its such a versatile flour to use in cooking.

I have seen chickpea flour in supermarkets at triple the price so your best bet is head to your local Indian corner store they will have shed loads of this in stock. Tinned chickpeas will NOT work for this recipe, you need to use chickpea flour.



This is a sticky dough I made this recipe a few times and found that It sticks less when you pop a teaspoon of coconut oil on the dough before you roll it out. I tried rolling it down between parchment paper and used chick pea flour to stop it sticking but found it easier with cling film and oil. ( see pics)

I then took off the top layer of cling film and flipped the rolled out dough onto parchment to cut the rectangles. I used a ruler and a pizza cutter to cut the rectangles. You can cut these into triangles or squares its totally your call,

The thinner you roll the dough the crispier they will be, if they are thicker they will be chewy once baked.


Store the crackers in a glass kilner type jar for up to 2 weeks.

30 minutes prep & cooking time

Step by step


  • 130g chickpea flour ( gram flour/besan flour)

  • 1 tsp whole cumin ( optional)

  • 1 tsp coconut oil ( and a little extra for rolling out)

  • 4/5 tbsp cold water

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp baking powder


  1. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees

  2. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix into a dough, (you do not need to knead this dough like bread dough.)

  3. Roll out the dough in between 2 sheets of cling film use a little coconut oil to help roll the dough out as it will stop it from sticking. once rolled out take off the top layer of cling film and flip onto baking parchment so you can cut them. ( don’t try to cut them on the cling film as you will get cling film pieces everywhere.

  4. Cut into whatever shapes you prefer and place on a baking tray lined with parchment or greaseproof paper and bake for 12-15 minutes.

  5. Leave to cool before eating.


Feel free to swap the cumin for dried herbs, chilli flakes or black sesame seeds.

 If your find cooking for your allergies and intolerances challenging. I also teach cookery classes and can do this in person or via zoom. Contact me here for a tailor-made class to suit your requirements.

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Kam Sokhi

This article is written by Kam Sokhi, an accredited chef with more than 25 years of experience.

She is also a food stylist and photographer. Kam is an expert at creating healthy recipes for those with allergies or dietary needs without skimping on taste.

With vast culinary expertise and experience working at high-profile companies and restaurants, her mission is to inspire and educate.

Helping you fall back in love and rediscover the pleasure of eating again, one bite at a time.



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