Ever wondered how to whip up the perfect guacamole?

Well, you're in the right place! In just a few minutes, you'll be mastering your very own flavour-packed guac, ideal for impressing guests or just treating yourself.

Guacamole is a Mexican dish of creamy mashed avocado with mixed peppers, lime, onions, coriander, and tomato. It’s easy to make and super healthy.

Guacamole recipe by Kam sokhi allergy chef

Frequently asked questions

What do you eat guacamole with?

  • Try guacamole with nachos with a side of sour cream.

  • As a canape like this recipe for fajita prawns.

  • Try guacamole in a jacket potato with some chicken and grilled bacon.

  • Try guacamole in a wrap or sandwich.

  • Try guacamole as a burger topping.

    Master the art of guacamole with these essential tips—and steer clear of these common mistakes to ensure a perfect batch every time.

  • Not using ripe avocados

    In a perfect world, deliciously ripe avocados would magically appear whenever our taste buds craved a scrumptious batch of guacamole. Sadly, life isn't that simple, so the clever thing to do is to plan ahead. Most supermarkets sell under-ripe avocados, so grab a few a couple of days before you need them and let them ripen on the countertop. In a pinch, you could make guac with under-ripe avocados (mash the living daylights out of them), but that's far from ideal.

    And never, ever mix avocados at different ripeness levels. The textures won't blend, leaving you with hard little avocado icebergs floating in a sea of mushy guac. You deserve better than that, my friend!

  • Always use hass avocados

    When it comes to that gloriously smooth, silky texture that guacamole is known for, there's just one avocado variety that truly rules supreme: the Hass, the uncrowned monarch of avocados! These plump, luscious beauties boast a flavour that's richer and more intense than any other variety, making them the undisputed champions of guacamole greatness.

  • Not lopping off the blotches

    A blemish or brown and mushy bit on your avocado isn't the end of the world (unlike mould on bread, it won't ruin the whole thing). However, it will turn the rest of your guacamole a mucky green hue. Keep your guac vibrantly emerald by taking an extra 30 seconds to snip off the unsightly spots.

  • Skipping the limes

    Guacamole requires an acid to balance out the fatty taste. Lemons can be used, but the best option is limes. If possible, it is preferable to use fresh limes. To add a zesty flavour, you can grate some lime zest into your guacamole.

  • Can I add anything else to the guacamole?

    You can make a nightshade-free version by swapping the tomatoes for pomegranate and swapping the peppers for chopped radish & deseeded cucumbers.

    (The full recipe is in my nightshade-free cookery book, which you can grab here. OR click on the picture below.)



What's the best type of avocado for making guacamole?

Hass avocados are your best bet for creamy, buttery guacamole. They're readily available and have just the right texture.

How do I stop my guacamole from turning brown?

Worried about your guacamole turning brown? Don't be. You can either keep the avocado pit in the bowl with your guacamole or add a generous squeeze of lime juice. These tried and true methods are effective in slowing down the oxidation process, ensuring your guacamole stays fresh and vibrant.

Can I make guacamole ahead of time?

Absolutely! To minimise air exposure, press cling film directly onto the surface of the guacamole and store it in the fridge. It'll stay fresh for up to one day.

This is best eaten immediately. If you need to refrigerate it, squeeze some lime juice on top, cover, and refrigerate for 24 hours.

What are some creative ingredients I can add to guacamole?

You can experiment by adding ingredients like radish, roasted corn, or even finely diced mango or pomegranate for a sweet twist. Each adds a unique burst of flavour.

What's the right onion to use in guacamole?

Red onion is the go-to ingredient for guacamole. Its mild, sweet flavour complements the other ingredients without overpowering them.

Step by step


  • 400g avocado mashed ( I used 4 small avo’s)

  • 65 g mixed peppers diced

  • 35 g red onion diced

  • 30 g cherry tomatoes

  • 20 g coriander

  • 1 lime zest and juice

  • 1 chilli or 1/2 tsp red chilli flakes * optional

  • salt & pepper


  1. Mash the avocado till smooth ( or chunky depending on your preference) either on a chopping board as I did or a wide bottomed flat bowl.

  2. Leave some of the chopped onion, coriander, peppers and onion for garnish. Add the remaining ingredients to the avocado and mix together. season well.

  3. Finish with the garnish and a generous squeeze of lime and serve immediately.


Feel free to omit the peppers or chilli for this recipe. Some people add garlic too, its totally your call.

If your find cooking for your allergies and intolerances challenging. I also teach cookery classes and can do this in person or via zoom. Contact me here for a tailor-made class to suit your requirements.

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Kam Sokhi

This article is written by Kam Sokhi, an accredited chef with more than 25 years of experience.

She is also a food stylist and photographer. Kam is an expert at creating healthy recipes for those with allergies or dietary needs without skimping on taste.

With vast culinary expertise and experience working at high-profile companies and restaurants, her mission is to inspire and educate.

Helping you fall back in love and rediscover the pleasure of eating again, one bite at a time.

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