These light and crispy churro waffles offer a fun twist on the traditional breakfast and are healthier too! Fresh, warm waffles are brushed with coconut oil and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. To make them even crispier, I baked them in the oven to caramelise.

These will definitely be a hit with everyone. I hope you love these Churro waffles that are made healthier with natural wholefood ingredients that also taste delicious. The whole family will enjoy the churro waffles. Whether they have allergies or not, you can tell the difference. Enjoy!

Churro waffles recipe by Kam Sokhi allergy chef

Notes on ingredients for Churro waffles


I usually use green & blacks with a cocoa content of 70%, meaning that 70% of the chocolate has been made from ingredients in the cocoa bean. The remaining 30% will consist of other ingredients, such as sugar, predominantly but may also include, for example, tiny percentages of vanilla flavouring. The higher the percentage, the stronger the cocoa flavour, which means it will be more bitter and less sweet.

 Use whatever chocolate you find palatable. Sometimes I will use 70/80% in my cooking and add a little extra sweetener like honey/agave/maple syrup. Dark chocolate is almost always dairy free unless it’s a cheap brand where they will add crappy fillers. My fave brands to eat and use in cooking are ( also allergy friendly; the green & blacks are made in a factory with other milk products, so avoid them if you have allergies; the other brands are almost free from everything.)

  • Green & blacks - Click here to go to the website.

  • Ombar - Click here for more info - buy this online at well easy OR in Waitrose or health food shops.

  • Raw chocolate - Click here for products..

  • Plamil chocolate - Click here for more info

Buckwheat flour

Buckwheat does not contain wheat even though it has wheat in the name. You can buy this online or in most UK supermarkets. I haven’t tried using another flour instead of buckwheat, so if you wanted to substitute it with another gluten-free flour, I couldn’t guarantee how the recipe would turn out. However, please let me know if you have succeeded with other flours! If you buy buckwheat flour and are unsure of what else to do with it, read my article here on how to use it in more detail.

Coconut milk

I only use coconut milk, which has one ingredient: coconuts. Most of the coconut milk that you can find in the supermarket now has added gums and all sorts of emulsifiers and E numbers, which are firstly anti-inflammatory ( something you need to avoid if you have allergies or intolerances as our health is already compromised), carrageenan gum is linked to cancer and can cause IBS type symptoms ( yes shocking!). Read more about this here.

And using these kinds of milk means that sauces do not thicken and curdle. So throw them in the bin! I used Biona brand coconut milk. I bought this from Amazon but recently found a cheaper place. An online health shop called well easy, take a look here. More details below on discount codes if you shop with well easy.


I use honey for most of my cooking. However, that is not vegan. Use;

Agave - Shop here

Maple - shop here

Coconut blossom nectar - shop here



  • If you do buy a waffle iron and haven’t used one before, please experiment with this recipe. Some waffle irons are hotter than others, so you will need to cook the waffles longer or shorter, depending on how super they are!

  • You will also need to experiment with how much mixture you put into the sections, as you don’t want an overflow as you close the iron.

  • For added convenience, I recommend cooking a batch of these churro waffles and freezing them. They're perfect for a quick, on-the-go breakfast-simply pop them in the toaster straight from the freezer!

What to serve with churro waffles;

  • Whipped cream - Try elmlea plant-based or coconut collab coconut whipping cream (found in supermarkets)

  • A side of plant-based yoghurt - my fave is by coconut collab, coconut yoghurt

  • A side of berries

  • Nice cream - click here for a recipe ( great for breakfast as its just frozen bananas)

  • Plant-based ice cream ( maybe not for breakfast, though!)

  • If you don’t want to make the chocolate sauce from scratch, use melted chocolate instead.

Where can I buy a good waffle maker?

Shop for a waffle maker here for some great recommendations. Or try amazon heres one waffle maker I would recommend.

Makes 8 waffles 1 hr prep and cooking time

Step by step



  • 8 oz Buckwheat flour

  • 1.5 tsp GF baking powder

  • 6 oz cooked mashed and cooled sweet potato

  • 1tsp vanilla extract

  • 2 flax ‘eggs’ or regular eggs

  • 300 ml plant based milk

Chocolate sauce

  • 200ml coconut milk

  • 385 g dark chocolate

  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract

  • agave or maple to taste ( only add if you like your sauce to be sweeter)

Cinnamon sugar

  • 50 ml coconut oil for brushing

  • 100 g granulated sugar

  • 1 tbsp cinnamon


  1. Make the chocolate sauce by heating the coconut milk in a saucepan and then taking off the heat. Add the chocolate and vanilla extract, and stir till the chocolate has melted. Taste for sweetness and add more maple or agave as desired.

  2. Whizz up all the ingredients for the waffles into a blender. If you're using flax eggs, leave them to sit for 20 minutes before you use them, as it will need time to thicken.

  3. Spoon a few spoonfuls of batter into hot waffle iron and cook for 12-15 minutes. They need to be darker than golden brown and crispy.

  4. When cooked, brush them with coconut oil and sprinkle over the cinnamon sugar. To make the waffles crispier, pop them into a hot oven for 5 minutes. This will give them a dazling crunch.

  5. Serve immediately with the chocolate sauce.

Food shopping tips

Are you looking to save money on your FREE FROM ingredients without shopping in several places just to save a buck? Take a look at well easy they have made it well easy to shop for healthy free from allergy-specific ingredients. Find everything you need all in 1 place with over 50 filters. You will be sure to find food for your dietary restrictions that are healthy too!

And it’s cheaper than the health stores or supermarkets, don’t believe me? Take a look for yourself here. Check out my curated shopping list of all my recommended healthier ingredients that I love to cook with. Here’s the link. Use my code KAM10 for £10 off your first order ( £50 minimum order for the first shop).

This blog contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using the links. I have personally vetted and used all the products that I recommend.

Is cooking for your allergies and intolerances challenging? I also teach cookery classes and can do this in person or via zoom. Contact me here for a tailor-made class to suit your requirements.

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Kam Sokhi

This article is written by Kam Sokhi, an accredited chef with more than 25 years of experience.

She is also a food stylist and photographer. Kam is an expert at creating healthy recipes for those with allergies or dietary needs without skimping on taste.

With vast culinary expertise and experience working at high-profile companies and restaurants, her mission is to inspire and educate.

Helping you fall back in love and rediscover the pleasure of eating again, one bite at a time.


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