These dark chocolate-covered apple slices are a fun, kid-friendly, easy snack or light dessert! And you can customize it with your favourite toppings. Perfect for an after-school (or work) healthy snack or a Halloween snack! They would also be perfect to gift to friends, with a little cellophane and a pretty ribbon.

I always found eating toffee apples difficult. Even with my huge mouth ( I’m not kidding, I have an abnormally large mouth). These apple slice lolly pops are perfect and soooooooo much easier to eat. Make them with your little ones, and jazz them up with Halloween sprinkles.

chocolate apples  by kam sokhi allergy chef

Notes on ingredients & substitutions

Dark chocolate

I like to use chocolate with a cocoa content of 70%, meaning that 70% of the chocolate has been made from ingredients in the cocoa bean. The remaining 30% will consist of other ingredients, such as sugar, predominantly but may also include, for example, tiny percentages of vanilla flavouring. The higher the percentage, the stronger the cocoa flavour, which means it will be more bitter and less sweet.

Use whatever chocolate you find palatable. Sometimes I will use 70/80% in my cooking and add a little extra sweetener like honey/agave/maple syrup. Dark chocolate is almost always dairy free unless it’s a cheap brand where they will add crappy fillers. My fave brands to eat and use in cooking are ( also allergy-friendly)

  • Green & blacks - Click here to go to the website.

  • Ombar - Click here for more info - buy this online at well easy OR in Waitrose or health food shops.

  • Raw chocolate - Click here for more information.

  • Plamil chocolate - Click here for more info

    If you have a soy allergy, always choose raw chocolate, as this will not have any soy ingredients added. (Always check on the label, though.)


I used Rhythm 108 cookies. They are really tasty and not full of rubbish ingredients, which I love. The salted caramel is my own recipe which you can find here. Other toppings: freeze-dried raspberries I bought from Sainsbury’s, chopped almonds, pistachios, cacao nibs, pumpkin seeds, coconut, hundreds and thousands. Customise the toppings and add whatever you like.


To make these chocolate-covered apple slices, you'll want to choose an apple that's firm, slightly tart and sweet. Firmness is important so the slice can stand up to heavier toppings (and all that chocolate!). I used granny smith and Braeburn. Just make sure they are crisp and fresh apples. Mushy apples will taste awful. Save those for an apple crumble.



These chocolate-covered apple slices are super easy to make. You'll need some apples, lollypop sticks, chocolate and toppings! I bought my lollypop sticks from amazon. Take a look here.

Here’s the tricky part, you don’t want to use paper lolly pop sticks as they probably won’t be sturdy enough to carry the weight of the apple and chocolate. Wooden rectangular sticks will be awkward to insert as you must first cut a small slit in the apple and then wiggle or push the wooden stick in. The sticks that I used just go straight in without any faffing. Be sure to slice the apples thicker than the lollypop sticks too. See pics below.


These slices will keep in the fridge for a couple of days, If they last that long!

Makes 12 portion- 1hr prep time & chilling time

Step by Step


  • 3 apples sliced just under 1/2 cm thick

  • 300 g dark chocolate - melted in a Bain Marie or microwave


  • Nuts ( I used almonds & pistachios)

  • Freeze dried raspberries

  • Coconut

  • Cacao nibs

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Hundreds and thousands

  • Salted caramel - click here for a recipe


  1. Wash your apples and dry thoroughly.

  2. Slice the apples just under 1/2 cm thick. If the slices are too thin, the slice may break in half, so do one or two test trials before slicing all of your apples.

  3. The apple slices have easy-to-grab sticks, so they're pretty easy to dip. Dip the slice in the bowl of chocolate, using a spoon to coat the entire slice. Let excess chocolate drip off, then transfer to a parchment paper-lined tray.

  4. Customise with your own toppings or use the ones I did.

  5. Refrigerate or freeze until solid. For toppings like the salted caramel, let the chocolate harden first before topping.


You could use banana slices if you wanted to, as they would be super cute and fun. Pears would be another great option. Pears and chocolate go well together. Experiment and have fun.

If your find cooking for your allergies and intolerances challenging. I also teach cookery classes and can do this in person or via zoom. Contact me here for a tailor-made class to suit your requirements.

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter so you can receive my articles and recipes straight into your inbox, plus you receive my FREE gluten and dairy free swaps resource. Download it here.

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Kam Sokhi

This article is written by Kam Sokhi, an accredited chef with more than 25 years of experience.

She is also a food stylist and photographer. Kam is an expert at creating healthy recipes for those with allergies or dietary needs without skimping on taste.

With vast culinary expertise and experience working at high-profile companies and restaurants, her mission is to inspire and educate.

Helping you fall back in love and rediscover the pleasure of eating again, one bite at a time.

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