Try these amazingly delicious, chocolatey hazelnut butter Easter eggs. They have only 5 ingredients and can easily be made vegan by swapping the honey for maple or agave.

I find that many of the Easter eggs available in supermarkets are made from cheap ingredients and the chocolate tastes synthetic, like eating plastic. This is not the kind of chocolate I'm looking for. These healthy vegan alternatives are a great option.

So, I wrote a recipe that I’m sure you will absolutely fall in love with. This is a great recipe to gift to your friends, too ( if you don’t eat them all first). They take less than an hour to put together, so get your apron on!!

However you are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ I hope that you have a great Easter!

dark chocolate eggs by kam sokhi mind body and eating coach


I used Ombar chocolate as this is one of my favourite brands, this brand is raw chocolate meaning its healthier as the cacao hasn’t been roasted to death so it retains more of its nutritional properties. Plus it contains live cultures so it’s great for your gut too! I mean its win win, healthy gut friendly chocolate, what more does a girl need???

Try green & blacks as a great alternative. I mainly use 70% dark chocolate. The higher the percentage of cocoa the more bitter the chocolate. The less of a percentage means it will be sweeter, so its up to you how sweet you like your chocolate.

Hazelnut butter

The brand of butter I used is meridian brand and I used the crunchy one. Feel free to use the smooth variety. I like to have a little texture in these Easter eggs. However please make it to your preference.


I always use raw organic honey in my recipes. However if you are vegan then feel free to swap for agave/ maple/ coconut blossom nectar.


The brand that I always use is Nielsen Massey which is an extract, Vanilla essence is a more processed product that’s made using artificial flavors and colors. As vanilla extract is made primarily from vanilla beans soaked in ethyl alcohol and water, it tends to have a more distinguishable vanilla flavor.



Roll into balls instead to make truffles if it’s less time-consuming for you.


Keep these easter eggs in the fridge either on a tray or in a container.

Makes 12 Eggs - 1 hr prep & chilling time

Equipment 1 inch Easter egg cutter ( optional)

Step by step


  • 100 g hazelnuts

  • 100 g hazelnut butter

  • 2 tbsp organic honey/agave/maple

  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract

  • 150 g 70% dark chocolate

Toppings *optional

  • chopped pumpkin/ sunflower/ linseeds

  • freeze dried raspberries

  • chopped hazelnuts


  1. Start by dry roasted your hazelnuts in a frying pan for 4/5 minutes till slightly golden. Leave to cool before blitzing into a coarse breadcrumb texture.

  2. Mix the blended hazelnuts with the hazelnut butter, sweetener of choice and vanilla. If the hazelnut mixture is too dry add a little more hazelnut butter, it should be like a dough that’s easy to roll and shape.

  3. Divide into 20 g balls and press into a small Easter egg cutter or shape by hand. My cutter was a 1 inch cutter.

  4. Chill in the freezer for 30 minutes.

  5. Once the hazelnut mixture is firm then drop into the melted chocolate, and transfer onto a tray lined with greaseproof.

  6. Top with your desired toppings or leave them with just chocolate.


You could add any type of nuts to this recipe try almonds, cashews or peanuts. Experiment with other toppings like coconut, hemp seeds, and cacao nibs.

If your find cooking for your allergies and intolerances challenging. I also teach cookery classes and can do this in person or via zoom. Contact me here for a tailor-made class to suit your requirements. Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter so you can receive my articles and recipes straight into your inbox.


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Kam Sokhi

This article is written by Kam Sokhi, an accredited chef with more than 25 years of experience.

She is also a food stylist and photographer. Kam is an expert at creating healthy recipes for those with allergies or dietary needs without skimping on taste.

With vast culinary expertise and experience working at high-profile companies and restaurants, her mission is to inspire and educate.

Helping you fall back in love and rediscover the pleasure of eating again, one bite at a time.

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